What is Locum Insurance?
Locum Insurance provides cover to reimburse costs should a Locum be required due to the unexpected absence of regular practice staff.

What Cover is Available?
We offer comprehensive cover including unique features such as a full 52 week payout and a 12 months pre-existing condition clause

What Expenses are Covered?
Our policies typically include multiple deferred periods and cover the costs of employing a Locum due to sickness, accidents or events such as Jury service.

Group or Individual Policies?
We specialise in Group Locum Policies, offering coverage for a whole practice to ensure the ‘medical business’ is covered in the event of any staff absence.
Locum Insurance Key Features
The Approachable Finance Locum Insurance policy provides cover to reimburse your costs should you need to employ a Locum due to the unexpected absence of one of your regular practice members
Our flexible locum insurance packages allow practices to tailor the type of cover required to meet the financial implications of a wide range of eventualities that cause staff absences.
Policies typically include the following cover for insured members:
- Accident or illness anywhere in the world
- Medical and Hospital Expenses
- Funeral Expenses
- Personal Effects
- Jury Service
- Compassionate Leave Expenses
- Paternity Benefit
- Suspension Cover
- Revalidation
- Delayed Return from Holiday
Key Features of the policy include:
- A 100% claims payment history through this agency.
- High financial strength underwritten by Lloyds of London one of the most prominent insurance companies in the world.
- A 12 months pre-existing condition clause. To our knowledge this is the best on the market given our competitors either have a 2 or 3 year pre-existing condition clause (no claim can be made on a pre-existing condition during that time).
- A ‘continuation option’, meaning that the policy will not be cancelled, restricted or declined at renewal as a result of claims or on the grounds of variations in health of an insured person.
- Full 52 weeks payout. This means that if the defer (delay period) was 4 weeks the policy would pay for 52 weeks up to week 56 (our competitors tend to pay up to week 52 so for 48 weeks).
- No ‘admin charges’ or ‘broker charges’ that are associated with other policies on the market.
Our tailored Locum Insurance packages provide cover for dentists and practice staff.
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The Approachable Finance Locum Insurance policy has been written specifically for the medical sector and we are proud to boast a 100% claims payment history.
– Chris Dixon, Director, Approachable Finance
Policy Exclusions
Unless included in the policy we will not cover death, disablement or loss:
- Whilst the Insured Person is engaged or taking part in military, air force or naval service or operations (other than reserve or volunteer training).
- Whilst the Insured Person is engaged or taking part in aeronautics or aviation, other than as a passenger.
- Whilst the Insured Person is engaged or taking part in mountaineering or rock climbing normally involving the use of ropes and/or guides.
- Whilst the Insured Person is riding or driving in any kind of race.
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Education is what you get from reading the small print; experience is what you get from not reading it.
– Pete Seegar
- Directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by the Insured Person’s
(a) Intentional self-injury
(b) Suicide or attempted suicide
(c) Provoked assault or fighting except in bona fide self-defence
(d) Own criminal act
(e) Engagement or participation in civil commotions or riots of any kind - Whilst the Insured Person is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or solvents (other than drugs taken under medical supervision but not for the treatment of drug addiction).
- Occasioned by or occurring whilst the Insured Person is in a state of insanity temporary or otherwise.
- Arising from or attributable to War (whether declared or not), whilst the Insured Person is in the United Kingdom or is travelling to any country or area that, at the commencement of travel, was publicly known to be in a state of, or faced with the threat of War.
- Regardless of any contributory cause(s), any claim(s) in any way caused or contributed to by an Act of Terrorism involving the use or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent. If We allege that, by reason of this exclusion, any claim is not covered by this Policy, the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon You.
Making a Claim
If you have a claim to make then please contact us immediately with as much information as possible and we’ll tell you what to do next.
Call 0845 2260019
To ensure business continuity, we endeavour to initiate claims within 24 hours of notification.
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Education is what you get from reading the small print; experience is what you get from not reading it.
– Pete Seegar
Claims Procedure
The insured person must place themselves under the care of a duly qualified Medical Practitioner as soon as is reasonably possible and notice of any incident that may give rise to a claim must be made within 30 days of the Accident or Illness.
You and the insured person shall provide assistance and co-operate with us or our representatives in obtaining any other records we deem necessary to evaluate the claim. In no event will we be liable to pay any claim hereunder unless you or the insured person co-operates with us in the investigation of a claim.
Why Choose Approachable Finance Medical?
We are specialists in providing advice for Medical Professionals and Medical Practices and our key areas of specialism are: Group Locum Insurance for Medical Practices, Medical Practice General Insurance and the NHS Pension.
We provide impartial and independent advice on GP locum insurance working with the UK’s leading providers. In most cases we do not charge a fee to the client and take commission from the provider.
How Can We Help?
For a quote or expert insurance advice call:
0345 3503655
Office Hours Weekdays 8am – 6pm
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Need More Information?
We have tried to cover most common queries in our Locum
Insurance FAQ section